Boston University platform could assist in several bioimaging applications.
Japan-US research team demonstrates that silica fiber signal loss can be cut by 50%.
Caltech imaging technique could reveal dynamics of polarization and sonoluminescence.
NIST project uses optical parametric oscillation to convert invisible IR into visible colors.
Oxford University’s method is faster than PCR and distinguishes between virus types; spin-out company to be set up.
University of Rochester tracks cell interactions in a living eye without dyes or damage.
Alloys are suited to electric vehicle battery cases; development is part of German AiF research project FAAM.
Achievement by French research group opens the door to holograms being presented on augmented reality glasses.
Earth orbit will allow study of effects of microgravity on light-activated proteins.
Penn State project employs scattering masks to enable multi-image reconstruction.
Optogenetics researchers in Switzerland and US have optically stimulated nerve fibers in living mice.
CNRS project incorporates wavefront shaping and could allow new images of brain function.
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