daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
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16 Jul 10
Advanced lighting to cut energy use 60%

LEDs, fluorescent lamps and automated control techniques will have a huge impact from 2014 onwards, says analyst.

15 Jul 10
Breakthrough bulbs usher in LED lighting

"A" class general LED bulbs launched by top lighting firms this year are the start of a push to replace familiar incandescent lights in our homes, discovers Andy Extance.*

12 Jul 10
CCD imager snaps asteroid close-up

Fly-by images of mysterious Lutetia taken by instrument featuring sensor made by UK company e2v.

30 Jun 10
Lasers and green tea destroy cancer cells

Pulsed red light forces tumour cells to "suck in" drugs from their environment

27 Jun 10
Lasers promise painless injections

Pantec Biosolutions receives a CE mark in the EU for its needle-free painless laser injection system.

25 Jun 10
Toptica wins €5.2M for laser guide star

Munich company joins forces with Canadian firm on European Southern Observatory project.

14 Jun 10
Polymer laser pinpoints explosives

Organic lasers show tremendous promise for sensing the vapours given off by the explosives found in landmines

08 Jun 10
Raydiance and Rofin eye ultrafast market

Two big names in the laser industry join forces to develop femtosecond systems for industrial materials processing.

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