State-Of-Art Metrology
As immaculate quality is what we strive for, we work with state-of-the-art metrology instruments Zygo spectrophotometers, non-contact profilometers, optical microscopes, MTF and optical centration measuring instrument-OptiCentric® are some of the instruments that we use. Our equipment and our certified processes allow for the entire spectrum of inspection testing in the optical industry.
High Reliability Test Capability
We believe reliability test capabilities will make sure the finished products trusted, which will make sure your optical systems more safe. There are some high reliability test items for your references here, you can choose what you need for your products, and we will provide solutions.
- Low Temperature
- High Temperature
- Damp Heat
- Thermal Shock
- Temperature Recycling
- Water Bath Immersion/Boiling Test
- Laser Damage Threshold Test
- Random Vibration With Temperature Cycling
- Mechanical Shock
- Pressure Steam Sterilization
- Hardness Test
- Custom Test
PCI Absorption Measurement
Function: Absorption testing for bulk material and coating film Range: 355nm, 532nm, 1064nm Accuracy: <1ppm

Varian Cary 7000
- Measures reflection, transmission and optical density of coatings and materials;
- Scan ability from 175nm-3200nm;
- Measures OD up to 8 Abs;
- State-of-the-art UMA attachment used to measure transmission, absolute reflection and scattering of optical components including complex cube beamsplitters and polarised optics at multiple angles of incidence;
- Measures S and P polarisation;

Function: high precision testing based on interference technology Range: surface flatness; parallelism; wave front distortion; curve radius, etc Accuracy: lambda/20

Polarization Combiner Beam Deviation Measurement Testing of Environmental, Durability and Mechanical
Trioptics Image-Master MTF Measurement System
Trioptics Optispheric Centering 100
Contact Hitronics Technologies